BitNinja Server Security

For Your hosting security

Realtime IP Reputation, Honeypots, WAF, Log Analysis, DOS Detection, Malware Detection for WordPress, Drupal, Joomla Infectious Websites & Web Server Security

What is BitNinja Server Security?

BitNinja is a complete server security package for your hosting. It provides Realtime IP Reputation to get secured from BOTNETS to avoid targeted cyber attacks as well as automated cyber-attacks via bots..

It also provides Honeypots Traps to track suspicious scanning by DOS Attacks or Malware. So cyber criminals would not be able to access valid services on your servers.

BitNinja’s Web Application Firewall which is also called As WAF operates between visitors’ web browsers and web servers. It filters all incoming web requests automatically as well as quickly.

Bitninja icon

Log Analysis module of BitNinja immediately block brute force attacks as well as many other attacks like SQL Injection, Spamming Attempts, and more. It continuous analyze logs and find out if any suspicious activities have been done or not at time of login!

To get secured against DOS Attacks BitNinja’s DOS DETECTION utility continuously monitor number of connections on your server & if it finds any suspicious connection, utility takes actions against it & Secure server against attackers.

BitNinja’s MALWARE DETECTION utility continuously in process of detecting if any infected files and goes a step further, placing them in quarantine to prevent any further damage to your server.

Get BitNinja Server Security Plans

Cantech Networks
0-1 Hosted User
  • 10 USD (Per Server)
  • Realtime IP Reputation
  • Honeypots
  • WAF
  • Log Analysis
  • DoS Detection
  • Malware Detection
Cantech Networks
2-40 Hosted User
  • 20 USD (Per Server)
  • Realtime IP Reputation
  • Honeypots
  • WAF
  • Log Analysis
  • DoS Detection
  • Malware Detection
Cantech Networks
41-250 Hosted Users
  • 30 USD (Per Server)
  • Realtime IP Reputation
  • Honeypots
  • WAF
  • Log Analysis
  • DoS Detection
  • Malware Detection
Cantech Networks
250+ Hosted Users
  • 40 USD (Per Server)
  • Realtime IP Reputation
  • Honeypots
  • WAF
  • Log Analysis
  • DoS Detection
  • Malware Detection




Cantech Networks30 SECS TO INSTALL


Cantech Networks

BitNinja is an all-in-one security tool and provides a holistic cybersecurity solution and act as the ultimate protection mechanism against WordPress, Joomla, Drupal infections for hosted websites, and as a means for Linux server administrators to monitor system security, health, and debug any operational issues. BitNinja uses the latest resource-friendly approach to detect obfuscated malware uploading attempts and keep the systems secure.

6 Amazing Features of BitNinja Server Security

Realtime IP Reputation Log Analysis Honeypots
DOS Detection Malware Detection WAF
Log analysis

What is Log Analysis Feature in BitNinja?

This feature provides security against malicious botnets which are often used dictionaries of common names and phrases to find the right username and password combination to hack your account. Once BitNinja agent is installed on your server it instantly starts recognizing the most common log files on your server and starts to analyze them in an efficient and in solution oriented way. Once analyzing is done it immediately block brute force attacks as well as many other attack types including SQL injection, directory traversal, spamming attempts & more.


What is Honeypots Feature in BitNinja?

When your server get victim by cyber attack, first step by most of the attackers is Scanning your server’s vulnerabilities, collect as much as information of your server by scanning. Wise decision is to stop attackers at time of scanning by protecting server by BitNinja & apply its Honeypots feature on server. BitNinja’s Honeypots create traps for suspicious connections, so cybercriminals will not be able to access important services, privacy, etc. on your servers. They can only access the fake ones which are set up to trap attackers.

Web application firewall (WAF)

What is WAF?

Web Application On most of the servers attackers first try to access those detail which are publically open, let’s say Website. Most of the attackers target websites to attack & to get entered on servers. But BitNinja’s WAF (Web Application Firewall) protects your server against these attacks. BitNinja’s WAF operates between your website visitors’ web browsers and your web server. It’s very fast filtering all incoming web requests, automatically rejecting any attacks. Firewall (WAF)

Realtime IP reputation

What is Realtime IP Reputation?

BitNinja is containing large information of 7,00,00,000 IP Addresses worldwide. Your servers are protected by BitNinja, get all latest updates on IPs related to their safety & malicious detail. If any attack occurs on server which is protected by BitNinja then that attacker's IP will get blocked on not only your servers but on all of those servers which are protected worldwide by BitNinja

DDoS Detection

What is DDoS Detection?

DDoS attacks which are also known as Daniel-of-Service attacks are the easiest way to create trouble for your server by disabling important services of your server. One example of DDoS is Slowloris Attack. To protect your server BitNinja’s DDoS Detection Module continuously monitors number of connections on your server. If too many concurrent connections are detected, BitNinja will automatically add the IP address to the blacklist for 60 seconds to make sure that all the connections are blocked from the attacker IP.

Malware detection

What is Malware Detection?

Attacking servers by uploading any malicious file or software on server is common practice of attackers & in most of the cases, attackers use this technique to infect important files & make them malicious. Here comes BitNinja’s Malware Detection Module which detects all infected or malicious files and applications. Then goes a step further, placing them in quarantine to prevent any further damage to your server. After it get approved by Server Admin, BitNinja immediately removes those malware from server.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you count the users on my server?

    First of all, we check the number of system and non-system users by UID_MIN, MAX, SYS_UID_MIN/MAX, it can be defined in /etc/login.defs. Moreover, we count different users’ various folders in /home, /var/www, /var/www/vhosts. The largest is the benchmark for the pricing.

  • How can I check the number of hosted users on my server?

    ls -n /home|awk ‘$3 >= UID_MIN’|awk ‘{print $3}’|sort|uniq|wc -l
    For DirectAdmin, we count every user in the access group in /home folder.
    ls -n /home|awk ‘$4 == ACCESS_GID && $3 >= UID_MIN’|awk ‘{print $3}’|sort|uniq|wc -l

  • What are the requirements for starting the trial?

    You only need to give your name and an email address to sign up on our website. After this, you receive a verification email to your mailbox with a confirmation link. Then, log into your account, add your servers and the trial starts instantly. No credit card needed to start the trial!